
WordPress Maintenance and Website Tips

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Facebook Ads and Boosted Posts: How Are They Different?

Facebook Ads and Boosted Posts: How Are They Different?

When it comes to advertising on Facebook, it can be pretty easy to waste money without seeing your desired results. That’s why it’s important to know all the ways you can optimize your ad spend. When there are multiple ways to show your content on Facebook like boosted posts or sponsored ads, it’s helpful to know the difference in order to determine which one will be the most beneficial to your...

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Is Your Website an Expense or a Revenue Generator? (Part 3)

Is Your Website an Expense or a Revenue Generator? (Part 3)

In part 1 of this series, I covered the reasons why website development can seem so expensive. In part 2, I showed you a website design project that went wrong, where it went wrong, and how it was ultimately salvaged and made profitable. Now, in this final post, let's go back in time to the beginning of the project and reset things with both the caterer and the first designer partnering to take...

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Is Your Website an Expense or a Revenue Generator? (Part 2)

Is Your Website an Expense or a Revenue Generator? (Part 2)

In part one, I talked about why web designers charge what they do for seemingly "simple" websites. That notion of "simple" probably comes from the idea that if I can type text and drag and drop images into a Word document, then how hard could building a website be? Trust me. I've been building websites for over 22 years now. It's not at all like Word, so it's harder to build a website than even...

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