WordPress Update Frequency

Choose the right interval for updating your WordPress site

Change Your WordPress Update Frequency

WordPress maintenance cycle

For some businesses, a monthly WordPress update frequency is good enough. For others, weekly is better. And for yet others, it’s really important to have the absolute latest WordPress core, plugin, and theme updates on the day they’re available.

There are pros and cons to a monthly, weekly, or daily WordPress update frequency:

Daily WordPress Update Frequency – Add $100 per site per month to your plan price
Pros Immediate feature enhancements and bug and security fixes when they’re released
Cons Some plugin updates might have feature issues that developers patch within a week or more
Weekly WordPress Update Frequency – Add $50 per site per month to your plan price
Pros Frequent updates while giving time for weekly follow-up patch cycles
Cons Some plugin updates might have feature issues that developers patch within a month or more
Monthly WordPress Update Frequency- Included in your plan price
Pros Semi-frequent updates while giving time for monthly follow-up patch cycles
Cons Plugins needing updates can accumulate and create conflicts, leading to an increased risk of an update breaking a feature or page

We can help you find the right balance of WordPress update frequency for your website.

Sign up for a WordPress maintenance plan, then fill out the form below to get started.


WordPress Maintenance Pricing